Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The Whitechapel Society/Leonard Matters
Stacie said...

I like Pratchett (have written a few essays on his work) and have an interest in Jack, myself! I'm a 19th century BritLit specialist at Kent State University. I was up in the rare book room the other day and they have a *huge* display of Ripper stuff.

I hope you don't mind me using your post again, Stacie. I went to the Kent State Library website and, you're right, there are quite a few Ripper items--some even I don't have! I'll have to see if I can get a grant to go when I start my dissertation :)

I just bought The Mystery of Jack the Ripper by Leonard Matters, usually referred to as the first "modern" look at the Whitechapel crimes. It's a reprint from the 60s I believe. It was first printed in 1929. Basically, his premise is that a certain doctor "avenged" his son's venereal disease by killing prostitutes. More to come when I read it. Also, I'll get back to Wilding's book soon to do a short lesson on evidence versus supposition.

I'm adding a link to the Whitechapel Society, formerly the Cloak and Dagger Club in England that is dedicated to the Jack the Ripper mystery. There are meetings periodically and a conference each year. You can also join and get newsletters if you (like me) are unable to attend the meetings.

posted by Lavaughn Towell @ 4:33 PM | 2 comments

At 4:13 PM, Blogger ET said...

If you go to Kent State to research JTR, you have to take me with you so that I can see what they have from the Vietnam situations and the MURDER of students during the war.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

ET, can you also pose like Mary Ann Vecchio and take a picture for me?


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