Sunday, September 18, 2005
Soon (I hope) I'll be posting a review of an EBook set during the Victorian Era. School, work, etc. have ramped up with a vengeance, so I'm barely treading water trying to keep up.

This is the season where a lot of exhibits are traveling (like Whistler here in Tulsa at the Philbrook). Another popular exhibit includes many other 19th Century painters, such as Walter Sickert. With the "popularity" of Cornwell's book, now everyone who writes about Sickert has to mention the "theory" of him being Jack. It's sad that this slander dogs an artist who would much rather be remembered as slightly eccentric and a worthy student of Whistler rather than as Cornwell's show-pony. And until she (or anyone else) puts a knife in his hand and proves he was the killer, all it does is smear the reputation of an important figure of Victorian Art.

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posted by Lavaughn Towell @ 3:31 PM | 2 comments

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wisdom from around the mommy blogs
I've been surfing this weekend, and I found a few gems that seem to really sum up what it's like to be a mommy in this mad, mad, mad, blog world.
Hey, Just looking to see if there are any other blogs out there like mine that specialize in clothes discount kids
Yours looks great > if you get a chance, come and check mine out ! I'll certainly bookmark yours !

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Lavaughn Towell said...

I went to your "site" which is just a store to sell kid's clothes. At least it's not a real mommy blog spam commenting for readers. You do know this site is about a serial killer, right? Does it look like a mommy blog to you? Idiot. Hope this is not indicative of the care and attention you pay to your children.


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